Guiding principles

Filter by the CORE guiding principles, to list the essential requirements for founding of and running HB-HTA units. You can read more about the guiding principles in Chapter 3 of the HANDBOOK.

Dimension 1

The assessment process

TOOL 1 Self-assessment test
HB-HTA report: scope, hospital context and informational needs

The HB-HTA report clearly states its goal and scope, reflects the hospital context and takes into account the informational needs of hospital decision-makers.

TOOL 2 Official (submission) form requesting an HB-HTA assessment
TOOL 3 Example of scoping of an HB-HTA report (PICO, TICO questions)
TOOL 4 AdHopHTA mini-HTA template
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 2 HB-HTA report: methods, tools and transferability

The HB-HTA report is performed systematically using good practice methods and appropriate tools. It should be done in a way that can be adapted by other hospitals (transferability).

TOOL 4 AdHopHTA mini-HTA template
TOOL 5 Examples of HB-HTA reports
TOOL 6 AdHopHTA checklist for good-quality HB-HTA reports
TOOL 7 Types of recommendations in HB-HTA reports
TOOL 8 Links to relevant methodological guidance and databases
TOOL 9 List of calculators to be used in the assessment process
TOOL 10 Websites of hospitals with an HTA unit or activity and other HB-HTA doers
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 3 HB-HTA process: independent, unbiased and transparent with stakeholder involvement and communication

The HB-HTA process involves all relevant stakeholders. It is conducted in an unbiased and transparent manner, ensuring independence and it is properly communicated to hospital stakeholders.

TOOL 11 Communication materials to engage key hospital stakeholders
TOOL 12 List of all relevant stakeholders to ideally involve into the assessment process
TOOL 6 AdHopHTA checklist for good-quality HB-HTA reports
TOOL 13 Examples of conflict-of-interest statements
TOOL 14 Summary of tools and means to facilitate key stakeholders’ understanding of the results of HB-HTA reports and facilitate decision-making (examples)

Dimension 2

Leadership, strategy and partnerships

GUIDING PRINCIPLE 4 Mission, vision and values and governance

The mission, vision and values of the HB-HTA unit are clearly defined, and are coherent with the hospital’s overall mission and strategy and allowing for clear governance of the HB-HTA unit.

TOOL 15 Examples of mission, vision and values of existing HB-HTA units
TOOL 16 Guidelines on the mission and vision formulation
TOOL 17 Example of a hospital's formal policy regarding the assessment of new technologies
TOOL 18 Examples of an HB-HTA unit’s formalisation in the organisational chart of the hospital
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 5 Leadership and communication policy/strategy

Clear leadership at the top of the HB-HTA unit acts as a role model when striving for excellence and defining and promoting a good communication policy/strategy.

TOOL 19 Guidelines for good leadership
TOOL 20 Examples of communication policy/strategy and internal and external activities
TOOL 21 Guidelines for communication strategy formulation
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 6 Selection and prioritisation criteria

Criteria for the selection of technologies to be assessed are clearly stated.

TOOL 22 Sample template for topic identification and/or prioritisation for the assessment of health technologies
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 7 Process of disinvestment

The process for identifying and evaluating technologies for potential disinvestment is defined and established.

TOOL 23 Example of an HB-HTA unit’s experiences in evaluating the health technologies for potential disinvestment
TOOL 8 Links to relevant methodological guidance and databases (only for disinvestment)
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 8 Improving through innovation

There is a willingness to improve in the light of experience and a capacity to learn and innovate.

GUIDING PRINCIPLE 9 Knowledge and resource sharing

There is a clear policy and mechanism for sharing knowledge, information and resources.

GUIDING PRINCIPLE 10 Collaboration with HTA organisations

The HB-HTA unit collaborates with regional, national and international HTA organisations.

TOOL 24 List of regional and national organisations dealing with HTA in the world
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 11 Links with allies and partners

Key allies and partners are proactively identified and proper interaction between them, staff at the HB-HTA unit, customers and other relevant stakeholders, is facilitated.

TOOL 25 List of potential allies and partners

Dimension 3


GUIDING PRINCIPLE 12 Skilled human resources and career development

Well-defined profiles and skills for human resources, recruitment policies and career development plans are established.

TOOL 26 Examples of core skills, expertise and recruitment policies in existing HB-HTA units (including examples of job advertisements for different positions in HB-HTA units)
TOOL 27 List of available fixed and ad-hoc trainings, online resources on capacity building
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 13 Sufficient resources

Financial resources are sufficient to cover operational costs and ensure an appropriate place of work.

TOOL 28 Tips for seeking additional funds

Dimension 4


GUIDING PRINCIPLE 14 Measuring short- and medium-term impact

Short- and medium-term impact is measured and maintained.

TOOL 29 Example of a periodical audit for impact evaluation of health technology assessment results
TOOL 30 Calculator for the financial indicator of an HB-HTA unit (net present value for the hospital of health technologies that have been assessed)
TOOL 31 Examples of tangible and intangible productivity indicators
TOOL 32 Example of customer satisfaction survey (clinicians, hospital managers)
TOOL 33 Examples of annual formal written assessments of job satisfaction
TOOL 34 Tips for achieving external recognition and credibility
GUIDING PRINCIPLE 15 Measuring long-term impact

Long-term impact is measured and maintained.